Electronics Manufacturers in Russia (77 Listed)

Russia’s electronics manufacturers are making their mark on the global tech stage. Over the past decade, these companies have undergone a remarkable transformation, evolving from regional players to internationally recognized tech giants.

One of the key factors driving this success is Russia’s burgeoning tech talent pool, producing skilled engineers, designers, and innovators. This talent, coupled with significant investments in research and development, has enabled Russian electronics manufacturers to create cutting-edge products that rival those from established global competitors.

Additionally, these manufacturers have leveraged advanced production capabilities and strategic partnerships to meet increasing demands for consumer electronics, industrial equipment, and telecommunications systems. With a focus on quality and innovation, they are gaining market share in Europe, Asia, and beyond.

As Russia’s electronics manufacturers continue to expand their global footprint, they are contributing not only to the nation’s economic growth but also to the diversification of the global tech landscape, making them a force to be reckoned with in the industry.

nr Company name Business Type
1 Kistler RUS LLC Electronics manufacturer
2 GS Nanotech Electronics manufacturer
3 Mikroem Tekhnologii Electronics manufacturer
4 Hengstler Russia Electronics manufacturer
5 Grand Pcb Electronics manufacturer
6 Makro Grupp Electronics manufacturer
7 Simbiya, Inzhenernaya Firma Electronics manufacturer
8 GREENCONNECT Russia Electronics manufacturer
9 SensMax IoT sensors | Wireless people counters | Remote temperature and humidity monitoring Electronics manufacturer
10 Tekhnomarin Electronics manufacturer
11 Ao “Planeta-Sid” Electronics manufacturer
12 Ooo “Erikon” Electronics manufacturer
13 Ersted, Ao Electronics manufacturer
14 Rosel Electronics manufacturer
15 Ooo “Matritsa” Electronics manufacturer
16 Rikor-Elektroniks Electronics manufacturer
17 Fortin-R Electronics manufacturer
18 Zavod Proton Electronics manufacturer
19 Ask Laboratoriya Electronics manufacturer
20 Ooo “Tvip” Electronics manufacturer
21 Advantekh Ooo Electronics manufacturer
22 Mstator Electronics manufacturer
23 Skard-Elektroniks, Ao Electronics manufacturer
24 Ntts Metrotek Electronics manufacturer
25 Transas Electronics manufacturer
26 Promtekhkomplekt Ao Electronics manufacturer
27 Bd Sensors Rus Electronics manufacturer
28 Yablochkov – Zaryadnyye Stantsii Dlya Elektromobiley Electronics manufacturer
29 Ao “Karachevskiy Zavod “Elektrodetal'” Electronics manufacturer
30 Optek Electronics manufacturer
31 Npf Dolomant Electronics manufacturer
32 Ooo “Npp “Mera” Electronics manufacturer
33 TPV CIS Electronics manufacturer
34 Gruppa Kompaniy “Yunikont Spb” Electronics manufacturer
35 Ao “Npp “Radar Mms” Electronics manufacturer
36 Evs, Ooo Electronics manufacturer
37 Ooo “Russkoye Elektrotekhnicheskoye Obshchestvo” Electronics manufacturer
38 МИЛАНДР, ПКК Electronics manufacturer
39 Zavod Innovatsionnykh Tekhnologiy Electronics manufacturer
40 Форт-Телеком ООО Electronics manufacturer
41 Reflector Factory Electronics manufacturer
42 Telekom-Stv Electronics manufacturer
43 Konstruktorskoye Byuro Berkut Electronics manufacturer
44 iBoto (ООО “АйБото”) Electronics manufacturer
45 АО НПЦ “ЭЛВИС” Electronics manufacturer
46 Triniti Solyushns, Sistemnyy Integrator Electronics manufacturer
47 АО «‎Элеконд» Electronics manufacturer
48 Ao Ramek-Vs Electronics manufacturer
49 Ooo “Nata-Info” Electronics manufacturer
50 Promelektronika Electronics manufacturer
51 Mikran Electronics manufacturer
52 Planar Chelyabinsk Electronics manufacturer
53 Matriks Elektronika Electronics manufacturer
54 FIBERTRADE Electronics manufacturer
55 Vega-Absolyut Electronics manufacturer
56 Domavtomatika Electronics manufacturer
57 ООО “ТРОНИТЕК” Electronics manufacturer
58 Новосибирская Электротехническая Мануфактура Electronics manufacturer
59 Ao Npk Teko Electronics manufacturer
60 Rhonda Software Electronics manufacturer
61 Elap Russia Electronics manufacturer
62 Gruppa Kompaniy Rsk Electronics manufacturer
63 AVEL, Центральный офис, Сервисный центр Electronics manufacturer
64 Nept Ao Electronics manufacturer
65 Stt Group Electronics manufacturer
66 Kol’tso-Energo Electronics manufacturer
67 Ooo “Kontsern Gudvin “ Electronics manufacturer
68 Sennheiser Electronics manufacturer
69 AXIOM Electronics manufacturer
70 Ao Pergam-Inzhiniring Electronics manufacturer
71 Pioner-Rus Electronics manufacturer
72 Ooo “Energomashservis” Electronics manufacturer
73 Topaz-Elektro Electronics manufacturer
74 Ooo “Nts” Electronics manufacturer
75 Tekhokhrana Electronics manufacturer
76 Izhevskiy Radiozavod Electronics manufacturer
77 Ao Npp “Vniigis” Electronics manufacturer

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