List of Top 150+ Electronics Components Distributors in Russian Federation

There are also many electronics components distributors in Russia that cater to various industries and applications. Here are some of the well-known and established distributors in Russia:

  1. Chip One Stop Russia: Chip One Stop is a global distributor of electronic components, serving customers in over 200 countries. They offer a wide range of products, including semiconductors, passive components, connectors, and electromechanical components.
  2. Radiolink: Radiolink is a leading distributor of electronic components and equipment in Russia, serving a wide range of industries, including telecommunications, aerospace, defense, and medical.
  3. Solid State Supplies Russia: Solid State Supplies is a leading distributor of electronic components and equipment, serving a wide range of industries, including industrial, automotive, and medical.
  4. Elfa Distrelec Russia: Elfa Distrelec is a leading distributor of electronic components, serving customers in over 50 countries. They offer a wide range of products, including semiconductors, passive components, connectors, and electromechanical components.

These distributors have extensive product catalogs, competitive pricing, and reliable delivery options to serve the diverse needs of their customers. It’s worth noting that some of these distributors may also serve customers in other countries beyond Russia.

1Khaskel, Ooo
2Es, Ooo
3Soni Elektroniks, Ao
4Alma, Ooo
5Virlpul Rus, Ooo
6Td Absolyut, Ooo
7Tfn, Ooo
8Filips, Ooo
9Mont, Ooo
10Kompaniya Luis+, Ooo
11Edil-Import, Ooo
12Tsentr Distribyutsii, Ooo
13Gruppa Seb-Vostok, Ao
14Kompaniya Rembyttekhnika, Ooo
15Tm-Prodzhekt, Ooo
16Gorene Bt, Ooo
17Elektrolyuks Rus, Ooo
18Sputnik Treid, Ooo
19Soni Mobail Kommyunikeishnz Rus, Ooo
20Eldis, Ooo
21Tsentr Bytovoi Tekhniki, Ooo
22Td Orion, Ooo
23Tiemsi Rus, Ooo
24Panasonik Rus, Ooo
25Khonevell, Ao
26Miks, Ooo
27Partner-Enerdzhi, Ooo
28Deistim, Ooo
29Bosh Termotekhnika, Ooo
30Pantograf, Ooo
31Tele Post, Ooo
32Bytovaya Tekhnika, Ooo
33Vestel Treid, Ooo
34Allegro Treiding, Ooo
35Avs-Elektro, Ooo
36Delongi, Ooo
37Td Tinko, Ooo
38Opttorg, Ooo
39Forte Khoum Gmbkh, Ooo
40Promtorg, Ooo
41Vesteil, Ooo
42Alabor, Ooo
43Btl, Ooo
44Tesli, Ao
45Germes Mobail Distribyushn, Ooo
46Stp-Kholding, Ooo
47Torgovy Dom Termeks, Ooo
481S-Distribyutsiya, Ooo
49Vendor, Ooo
50Softklab Distribyushn, Ooo
51Dvadtsaty Vek Foks Sng, Ooo
52Alfa, Ooo
53Ei End Di Di Kompani, Ooo
54D-Link Treid, Ooo
55Inkoteks-Sk, Ooo
56Khaier Rus, Ooo
57Filips Svetovye Resheniya Evraziya, Ooo
58Tekhnosklad, Ooo
59Entuziast-S, Ooo
60Mobel, Ao
61Kandi S.N.G., Ooo
62Td Antares, Ooo
63Tekhnovist, Ooo
64Spetsservistorg, Ooo
65Argo, Ooo
66Nikon, Ooo
67Tsentr, Ooo
68Region Riteil, Ooo
69Kompleks-Bar, Ooo
70Arsenal, Ooo
71Telemiks, Ooo
72Td Toledo, Ooo
73Mt-Sistems, Ooo
74Est, Ao
75Orient Khouskhold Applianses, Ooo
76Okno Tv, Ooo
77Ronin, Ooo
78Radiant-Ek, Ao
79Panorama, Ooo
80Aisidzhi, Ooo
81Promelement, Ooo
82Opt-Elektro, Ooo
83Bt-Logistik, Ooo
84Trv-Inzhiniring, Ooo
853-Liga, Ooo
86Promtekhkomplekt, Ao
87Lennord, Ooo
88Konsumatika, Ooo
89Varton, Ooo
90Nk Dv, Ooo
91Leran, Ooo
92Elekkom Logistik, Ooo
93Optima Kompyuters, Ooo
94Kassiopeya, Ooo
95Gorizont-Soyuz, Ao
96Dominion, Ooo
97Treidkhoum, Ooo
98Operateks, Ooo
99Ses, Ooo
100Brant, Ooo
101S-Kholding, Ooo
102Kredmarket, Ooo
103Eldomarket, Ooo
104Daison, Ooo
105Parnas, Ooo
106Torgovaya Kompaniya Optim, Ooo
107Intertekh, Ooo
108Smirnov Betteriz, Ooo
109Temp, Ooo
110Efo, Ooo
111Mirabilis, Ooo
112Kompaniya Elmark, Ooo
113Volgaopt-Nn, Ooo
114Simmetron Ek, Ooo
115Opttorg, Ooo
116Laboratoriya Elektrotekhniki, Ooo
117Marketsnab, Ooo
118Kaskad, Ooo
119Enertreid, Ooo
120Magbel, Ooo
121Sputnik, Ooo
122Novotekh, Ooo
123S.Video, Ooo
124Oberon, Ooo
125Vertikal, Ooo
126Otk, Ooo
127Lebedinski Torgovy Dom, Ao
128Korporatsiya Dnk, Ooo
129Klimat Prof, Ooo
130Sb Logistik, Ooo
131Soneks, Ooo
132Kholdingovaya Kompaniya Yunaited Elements Grupp
133Elektroagregat, Ao
134Saldo, Ooo
135Maksima, Ooo
136Khaustorg, Ooo
137Dongbu Deu Elektroniks Rus, Ao
138Elektrostroi, Ooo
139Aladdin R.D., Ao
140Kompaniya Ultra, Ooo
141Maksi, Ooo
142Multi-Yug, Ooo
143Lyuksottika Rus, Ooo
144Geovent, Ooo
145Meu, Ooo
146Teply Svet, Ooo
147Mikson, Ooo
148Devyatka, Ooo
149Strategiya, Ooo
150Chdk, Ooo

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