There are also many electronics components distributors in Russia that cater to various industries and applications. Here are some of the well-known and established distributors in Russia:
- Chip One Stop Russia: Chip One Stop is a global distributor of electronic components, serving customers in over 200 countries. They offer a wide range of products, including semiconductors, passive components, connectors, and electromechanical components.
- Radiolink: Radiolink is a leading distributor of electronic components and equipment in Russia, serving a wide range of industries, including telecommunications, aerospace, defense, and medical.
- Solid State Supplies Russia: Solid State Supplies is a leading distributor of electronic components and equipment, serving a wide range of industries, including industrial, automotive, and medical.
- Elfa Distrelec Russia: Elfa Distrelec is a leading distributor of electronic components, serving customers in over 50 countries. They offer a wide range of products, including semiconductors, passive components, connectors, and electromechanical components.
These distributors have extensive product catalogs, competitive pricing, and reliable delivery options to serve the diverse needs of their customers. It’s worth noting that some of these distributors may also serve customers in other countries beyond Russia.
1 | Khaskel, Ooo |
2 | Es, Ooo |
3 | Soni Elektroniks, Ao |
4 | Alma, Ooo |
5 | Virlpul Rus, Ooo |
6 | Td Absolyut, Ooo |
7 | Tfn, Ooo |
8 | Filips, Ooo |
9 | Mont, Ooo |
10 | Kompaniya Luis+, Ooo |
11 | Edil-Import, Ooo |
12 | Tsentr Distribyutsii, Ooo |
13 | Gruppa Seb-Vostok, Ao |
14 | Kompaniya Rembyttekhnika, Ooo |
15 | Tm-Prodzhekt, Ooo |
16 | Gorene Bt, Ooo |
17 | Elektrolyuks Rus, Ooo |
18 | Sputnik Treid, Ooo |
19 | Soni Mobail Kommyunikeishnz Rus, Ooo |
20 | Eldis, Ooo |
21 | Tsentr Bytovoi Tekhniki, Ooo |
22 | Td Orion, Ooo |
23 | Tiemsi Rus, Ooo |
24 | Panasonik Rus, Ooo |
25 | Khonevell, Ao |
26 | Miks, Ooo |
27 | Partner-Enerdzhi, Ooo |
28 | Deistim, Ooo |
29 | Bosh Termotekhnika, Ooo |
30 | Pantograf, Ooo |
31 | Tele Post, Ooo |
32 | Bytovaya Tekhnika, Ooo |
33 | Vestel Treid, Ooo |
34 | Allegro Treiding, Ooo |
35 | Avs-Elektro, Ooo |
36 | Delongi, Ooo |
37 | Td Tinko, Ooo |
38 | Opttorg, Ooo |
39 | Forte Khoum Gmbkh, Ooo |
40 | Promtorg, Ooo |
41 | Vesteil, Ooo |
42 | Alabor, Ooo |
43 | Btl, Ooo |
44 | Tesli, Ao |
45 | Germes Mobail Distribyushn, Ooo |
46 | Stp-Kholding, Ooo |
47 | Torgovy Dom Termeks, Ooo |
48 | 1S-Distribyutsiya, Ooo |
49 | Vendor, Ooo |
50 | Softklab Distribyushn, Ooo |
51 | Dvadtsaty Vek Foks Sng, Ooo |
52 | Alfa, Ooo |
53 | Ei End Di Di Kompani, Ooo |
54 | D-Link Treid, Ooo |
55 | Inkoteks-Sk, Ooo |
56 | Khaier Rus, Ooo |
57 | Filips Svetovye Resheniya Evraziya, Ooo |
58 | Tekhnosklad, Ooo |
59 | Entuziast-S, Ooo |
60 | Mobel, Ao |
61 | Kandi S.N.G., Ooo |
62 | Td Antares, Ooo |
63 | Tekhnovist, Ooo |
64 | Spetsservistorg, Ooo |
65 | Argo, Ooo |
66 | Nikon, Ooo |
67 | Tsentr, Ooo |
68 | Region Riteil, Ooo |
69 | Kompleks-Bar, Ooo |
70 | Arsenal, Ooo |
71 | Telemiks, Ooo |
72 | Td Toledo, Ooo |
73 | Mt-Sistems, Ooo |
74 | Est, Ao |
75 | Orient Khouskhold Applianses, Ooo |
76 | Okno Tv, Ooo |
77 | Ronin, Ooo |
78 | Radiant-Ek, Ao |
79 | Panorama, Ooo |
80 | Aisidzhi, Ooo |
81 | Promelement, Ooo |
82 | Opt-Elektro, Ooo |
83 | Bt-Logistik, Ooo |
84 | Trv-Inzhiniring, Ooo |
85 | 3-Liga, Ooo |
86 | Promtekhkomplekt, Ao |
87 | Lennord, Ooo |
88 | Konsumatika, Ooo |
89 | Varton, Ooo |
90 | Nk Dv, Ooo |
91 | Leran, Ooo |
92 | Elekkom Logistik, Ooo |
93 | Optima Kompyuters, Ooo |
94 | Kassiopeya, Ooo |
95 | Gorizont-Soyuz, Ao |
96 | Dominion, Ooo |
97 | Treidkhoum, Ooo |
98 | Operateks, Ooo |
99 | Ses, Ooo |
100 | Brant, Ooo |
101 | S-Kholding, Ooo |
102 | Kredmarket, Ooo |
103 | Eldomarket, Ooo |
104 | Daison, Ooo |
105 | Parnas, Ooo |
106 | Torgovaya Kompaniya Optim, Ooo |
107 | Intertekh, Ooo |
108 | Smirnov Betteriz, Ooo |
109 | Temp, Ooo |
110 | Efo, Ooo |
111 | Mirabilis, Ooo |
112 | Kompaniya Elmark, Ooo |
113 | Volgaopt-Nn, Ooo |
114 | Simmetron Ek, Ooo |
115 | Opttorg, Ooo |
116 | Laboratoriya Elektrotekhniki, Ooo |
117 | Marketsnab, Ooo |
118 | Kaskad, Ooo |
119 | Enertreid, Ooo |
120 | Magbel, Ooo |
121 | Sputnik, Ooo |
122 | Novotekh, Ooo |
123 | S.Video, Ooo |
124 | Oberon, Ooo |
125 | Vertikal, Ooo |
126 | Otk, Ooo |
127 | Lebedinski Torgovy Dom, Ao |
128 | Korporatsiya Dnk, Ooo |
129 | Klimat Prof, Ooo |
130 | Sb Logistik, Ooo |
131 | Soneks, Ooo |
132 | Kholdingovaya Kompaniya Yunaited Elements Grupp |
133 | Elektroagregat, Ao |
134 | Saldo, Ooo |
135 | Maksima, Ooo |
136 | Khaustorg, Ooo |
137 | Dongbu Deu Elektroniks Rus, Ao |
138 | Elektrostroi, Ooo |
139 | Aladdin R.D., Ao |
140 | Kompaniya Ultra, Ooo |
141 | Maksi, Ooo |
142 | Multi-Yug, Ooo |
143 | Lyuksottika Rus, Ooo |
144 | Geovent, Ooo |
145 | Meu, Ooo |
146 | Teply Svet, Ooo |
147 | Mikson, Ooo |
148 | Devyatka, Ooo |
149 | Strategiya, Ooo |
150 | Chdk, Ooo |